Getting Wifi card details from MacBook

I had a MacBookPro which I wanted to use as my OpenBSD workstation. Macs are known for their Broadcom wifi chipsets and which are not totally supported in OpenBSD, much to my chagrin. The latter OS only supports fullmac chipsets and not softmac chipsets. One such fullmac chipset is the BCM43602.

I knew I had to determine the exact model of the wifi card in my MacBook Pro, I found that I had to issue the following command in MacOS Terminal :-

ioreg -r -n ARPT | grep IOName

The line starting with IOName will have a value of pci1111,2222 Where 1111 is the vendor ID and 2222 the device ID.

For example, mine is

"IOName" = "pci14e4,43ba"

I can then search for this IOName to find the corresponding vendor and model type.

The model number on top is the BCM43602.